Calero Blog

The COPE Enterprise Mobility Strategy: How the Model Reduces Security Risk

Written by Billy Howes | Jan 11, 2022

In today’s world of remote work, the topic of technology and devices has become more important than ever. Homes have been transformed into offices, making it crucial for team members to have the right equipment to complete their work in a secure and efficient manner.

While using a BYO model remains popular with companies, it’s not the most secure or cost-effective strategy. To gain added security benefits and stay compliant, enterprises should consider moving toward a Corporate Owned, Personally Enabled (COPE) mobility model.

In our last article, we did a deep-dive on how your enterprise can save in a corporate-owned program. Today, we’re going to expand on this idea and cover how the model reduces security risks by allowing for improved IT infrastructure and providing employees with high-level tech support.

Experience Increased Security

One of the main benefits of going with a COPE model is that it minimizes liability and risk associated with the device and the network. With BYO, the employee owns the end-to-end experience and the operating system, therefore deeming what’s acceptable usage.

When using a company device, corporations will provide guidelines through an acceptable use policy (AUP). This helps with compliance because employees must read the policy and accept it in order to use the device.

Another benefit of COPE is running real-time cyber security assessments. Corporate managed devices can be easily scanned for hackers or other vulnerabilities, helping to mitigate the risk of data breeches and other business liabilities.

Potential Security Risks of BYO Devices Include:

  • Data theft - Unsecured networks make stealing data easier than ever for hackers.
  • Malware - Employees could accidently download hidden malware onto their computer.
  • Lost or stolen devices - A BYO device can’t be easily tracked or secured if stolen or lost.
  • Legal issues - Security breaches from personal devices can lead to huge problems for companies.

Greater End User Support

When working from home, employees can face a myriad of technical issues during their workday. Whether it’s a forgotten password, hardware issues, or you get locked out of an account—even the simplest problems can cut into valuable work time.

That’s why it’s so important to have the ability to be able to provide a higher level of support across company owned devices. With the COPE model, device maintenance and technical issues can be handled by the company instead of the user. This leads to less external communication and allows problems to be solved more easily.

COPE also allows for an IT infrastructure support team, which provides access to the email team, desktop services, and network services. It’s a win-win for both employees and the company when it comes to keeping devices running efficiently.

Supports Company and Employee Morale

In the digital age where many companies work remotely, employees want to feel valued and belong to part of a team. One way to support company culture is to provide devices, such as computers and phones, so that team members feel appreciated and have the proper tools to do their job. They’ll also get the added advantage of tech support and better security, which will enhance their work from home experience.

Not only will people feel supported in their role, but it also promotes a better work-life balance when personal devices are separated from work devices. It’s easier to focus on work tasks when you’re not getting personal calls and texts that interrupt your day. Having everything combined could become overwhelming or even lead to burn-out from feeling the need to be connected 24/7.

With separate devices, workers are also more likely to go the extra mile to perform job duties. They’ll have better availability to answer calls and emails if they have the proper equipment to to do their work.

Budget and Forecast Savings

For the corporate owned model, the enterprise owns the life cycle of the device including hardware, software, license, and end user support models. This makes it easier to forecast budgets because the company knows which aspects to cover in their plan.

License increase should also be considered in your forecast. With BYO, people may want certain programs on their personal device, which can drive up costs and result in a decrease in productivity. Overall, it’s easier to budget and forecast costs when the company has ownership of the devices and all associated licenses involved.

Helps with Contract Negotiations

COPE provides better leverage with carriers for contract negotiations. Due to their size, enterprises will always have some form of corporate owned devices, which gives them better negotiating power. For BYO, an individual is likely to pay full retail for devices, plans, and support services. There’s typically no leverage negotiating with carriers, which drives up costs that enterprises otherwise don’t have visibility into.

Is a Device Program Right for Your Company?

For companies who want to attract the best talent and stay competitive in a global marketplace, we can’t recommend a corporate-owned device plan enough. In addition to the added security benefits, COPE offers a host of advantages that are appealing to both enterprises and employees. Overall, upgrading your technology and management systems are one of the best ways to stay ahead in a fast-paced business environment.