Company Continues to Invest in its Global Service Delivery Capability
Telecom: It’s the New Rent!
Clearly, the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the retail sector more severely than any other. Many major retailers are halving their 2021 forecasts and closing store locati.
What’s Next for Technology Expense Reporting and Maintaining Data Integrity
Opportunities to waste money and spend needlessly abound in your budget line for telecom and related technology expense, mainly because there’s so much to keep track of, .
Managing International Vendor Relationships and Negotiating Favorable Agreements
Technology Expense Management (TEM) starts delivering value to clients far sooner than many might expect.
Building a Business Case for Telecom Expense Management (TEM) Services
Updated January 18, 2022 How much money are you wasting? Specifically, how much are you wasting on telecommunications services and equipment by not having a budget and pl.
eBonding – Advantage in the Age of Covid-19
Two of the valuable things you learn during a crisis like the one we’re struggling through are:
Top Tips to Find Hidden Mobile Savings
If the current pandemic has taught us anything it’s that we are far more dependent than we ever imagined on the more than 5 billion mobile devices in use in the world tod.
Best Practices for Managing Remote and Global Teams
It may be that pandemics end up teaching us much about how to most effectively manage global teams, greatly deepening our understanding, our appreciation, and our effecti.
Calero Gains Acceptance onto the UK G-Cloud 12 Framework UK Government Organizat...
Calero, a leader in the high-growth Technology Expense Management (TEM) software space, announced today that it has gained acceptance onto the UK government’s G-Cloud 12 .