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Empowering Your Workforce: The Benefits of Corporate-Owned Devices

Written by Calero | Oct 9, 2024

Over the past 20 years, organizations have become increasingly reliant on mobile devices to enable a flexible and connected workforce. As the demand for mobile work continues to grow, businesses face the critical decision of how to best manage their mobile device strategy. One approach that has gained significant traction is Corporate-Owned, Personally Enabled (COPE) devices. This model allows employees to enjoy the personal flexibility they desire while organizations retain control over security.

But what exactly does COPE mean in the realm of mobile device management, and how can it empower your workforce while enhancing security? Let’s explore why a corporate-owned device policy might be the best choice for your organization.

What is COPE in Cyber Security?

COPE, or Corporate-Owned, Personally Enabled, refers to a mobile device management (MDM) strategy where the company provides devices to employees for both professional and personal use. These devices, although owned by the company, can be used for personal tasks such as browsing, social media, or phone calls, depending on the organization's policy.

The key advantage of COPE lies in the control it offers over cyber security. By owning the devices, IT departments have full visibility into what’s on them, how they are used, and how they interact with the organization’s data and systems. With COPE devices, IT security teams can apply robust mobile device security measures, enforce updates, and manage permissions centrally. This level of control is not always possible with Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) models, where employees use their personal devices for work purposes.

COPE Enhances Security with Centralized Control

A major concern for CTOs and CISOs is the security risks associated with mobile devices. Personal devices, while convenient, often lack the rigorous security measures that protect sensitive business information. When employees use their own devices, IT departments are forced to rely on inconsistent mobile device security practices, which can leave organizations exposed to threats such as malware, phishing attacks, and data breaches.

COPE security offers a solution to these concerns. Since the company owns the device, IT can implement standardized mobile device security practices across all devices. Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions allow for the installation of security patches, encryption protocols, and remote wiping capabilities if a device is lost or compromised. This centralized control helps mitigate the risk of data leakage and ensures compliance with industry standards and regulations.

By owning the device, you’re essentially building a digital perimeter around your data, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities that stem from inconsistent personal mobile device security. In short, COPE devices serve as a strong defense line in today’s complex cyber threat landscape.

Balancing Flexibility and Control

COPE devices provide the best of both worlds: the flexibility for employees to use the device for personal tasks while retaining corporate control. This balance can be particularly appealing in industries where regulatory compliance and data protection are paramount. By offering company-owned devices, organizations can control the types of apps employees install, prevent unauthorized data transfers, and ensure that only approved connections are made to corporate networks.

At the same time, employees benefit from the convenience of using one device for both personal and professional tasks. With COPE, there is no need to juggle multiple devices or worry about privacy concerns. Companies can use MDM tools to clearly separate personal and corporate data on the same device, ensuring that employees’ personal information remains private while corporate data is protected.

Cost Efficiency and Reduced Shadow IT

Another benefit of COPE is the potential for cost savings. While some might assume that providing corporate-owned devices would be more expensive than allowing employees to use their own, this isn't necessarily the case. With COPE, organizations can streamline mobile device management, procurement, and maintenance, leading to more predictable and controlled costs. Centralized purchasing also allows companies to negotiate better deals with vendors, which can offset the initial investment.

Additionally, COPE can help reduce the rise of shadow IT—when employees use unauthorized apps and services for work tasks. Shadow IT introduces significant security risks because these tools are outside the purview of the IT department. With COPE, organizations can pre-approve apps and tools, ensuring that all work-related activity occurs within a secure, controlled environment. This oversight greatly reduces the likelihood of data being compromised due to unapproved third-party applications.

Simplifying Mobile Device Management (MDM)

Managing mobile devices across an organization can be complex, especially when employees bring their own devices into the fold. With a COPE mobile device management strategy, the process is much simpler. Since all devices are company-owned, IT departments can easily monitor, maintain, and update devices using MDM tools. Whether it's enforcing mobile security policies, distributing software updates, or troubleshooting issues, COPE devices can be managed from a single, centralized system.

COPE also simplifies onboarding and offboarding processes. When a new employee joins, they receive a corporate-owned device pre-configured with all necessary applications and security settings. When an employee leaves, the IT department can quickly wipe the device and reassign it, ensuring that sensitive data does not leave with the employee.

A Secure, Efficient Path Forward

For CTOs, CISOs, and Heads of IT, adopting a Corporate-Owned, Personally Enabled (COPE) device policy offers a secure and efficient path to optimal mobile device management. COPE strikes the perfect balance between control and flexibility, ensuring that businesses can protect their data without stifling employee productivity. With the added benefits of enhanced mobile security, centralized control, and cost efficiency, COPE represents a forward-thinking solution to the challenges of today’s mobile workforce.

As cyber security threats evolve, organizations need a robust, reliable strategy to manage mobile devices. COPE is that strategy, empowering both the workforce and the IT department to work confidently and securely in a mobile-driven world.